Meet Valerie, That Feng Shui Lady
Looking for: Wealth, Health, Love & Fame? Attain them all with Feng Shui.
Leave with an understanding of:
- The significance of energy flow (ch’I)
- How to increase the ch’i in your home
- The cycle of the elements in nature
- How and where these elements relate to your home
- The impact of having the elements in their proper place
- Basics on furniture and accessory placement
- The importance of clutter clearning for a clear home and life
- Tips and tricks on how to jump start your luck and good fortune
About Valerie Sands: A 19 year veteran of the corporate world, Valerie Sands began her independent study of Feng Shui in 2005. Astounded at the transformations she experienced, over the ensuing years she delved deeper into her independent study.
After helping friends and family apply the practice to their lives, she witnessed their dreams and visions begin to come to fruition as well. After 5 years, she decided to study for her Feng Shui certification and begin a new career; working for herself and for the betterment of others. Studying under Michelle Luongo of the East Coast Academy of Feng Shui, Valerie received her certification in 2010.
Valerie is a graduate of Florida International University with a Bachelors in Spanish and is a member of RESA (Real Estate Staging Association).